
[Android] Error during Flashing Factory Image 본문


[Android] Error during Flashing Factory Image

홍삼순액 2019. 11. 16. 21:22



mke2fs Error when flash factory images for Pixel

Hi there, I am trying to flash the 8.1.0 (OPM1.171019.012, Jan 2018) for pixel but it failed with the following message: wiping userdata... /usr/local/bin…


It's because of the low version of fastboot.

Make sure that you have latest version of fastboot.

You can check installed fastboot by typing command like this.

$whereis fastboot

Result: fastboot: {path-to-fastboot}/fastboot

Make sure that it is the only fastboot.

If you have installed another fastboot through apt-get command, you better remove it.
